
Leadership Perspectives

Leadership Perspective: On the Importance of Empowerment and Delegation

Ask any new leader about the most difficult part of transition into management, and you’ll likely hear it is making the shift from doing to leading. Empowering a team to contribute their best work is an essential component of every great manager. Here is how a few members of Lument’s executive team approach the challenge.

Leadership Perspectives - Bill Hyman 1

Bill Hyman
Senior Managing Director

“The most important thing I had to learn as a manager was to resist the impulse to solve problems for my staff. When someone came to me with a problem, I felt as though I needed to jump right in and fix it. We were always under time pressure. I’ve had to learn how to step back and create an environment that encourages people to come up with their own solutions.”

Paul Weissman
Head Affordable
Housing Production

“I tell the members of my team that I’m here for them when they get stuck, but that it’s important for them to try to find answers for themselves before coming to me. They are bound to learn something from the attempt — and if they still have a question for me, it will be a higher-order question. It’s a balancing act.”

Leadership Perspectives - Paul Weissman 2
Leadership Perspectives - Paul Weissman 3


“I tell the members of my team that I’m here for them when they get stuck, but that it’s important for them to try to find answers for themselves before coming to me. They are bound to learn something from the attempt — and if they still have a question for me, it will be a higher-order question. It’s a balancing act.”

Leadership Perspectives - James Croft 1

Senior Managing Director

“I’ve faced challenges when learning to delegate, but I understand now that when you share knowledge and responsibility with people around you, your team becomes much more powerful and capable.”

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